Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sharad Purnima 2024 | Kojagiri | Goddess Lakshmi Puja on Full Moon Night For Prosperity, Wealth And Fortune

Sharad Purnima 2024 aka Kojagiri : The Night When Goddess Lakshmi Comes on Earth

sharad purnima 2024

Sharad Purnima (also known as Kojagiri Purnima or Ashwin Purnima) holds a special place in my heart. 

This full moon is unlike any other in the year—it is a time when the moon is closest to the earth and showers its divine light, filling the atmosphere with healing energy. 

It’s a night of mystical importance, not just from a spiritual or astrological perspective but also in the way people celebrate it with rituals, fasting, and food.

Let’s dive deep into why Sharad Purnima is so powerful according to Vedic astrology, the legend behind this beautiful full moon, and how you can make the most of its divine blessings.

The Astrological Significance of Sharad Purnima

Sharad Purnima falls during the Ashwin month of the Hindu calendar, when the moon is in its fullest glory in the sign of Aries or Pisces (depending on the nakshatras). 

The moon is not only bright but also said to be most radiant and potent on this night. The moon represents the mind and emotions, and its connection with this full moon leads to a deep sense of mental clarity, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.

During Sharad Purnima, the moon is in direct alignment to transmit pure and powerful lunar energies, which can help balance our mind, heal emotional wounds, and promote mental peace. 

It’s believed that the vibrations of the full moon on Sharad Purnima help manifest your deepest desires and invoke divine grace. 

Lets see how...

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Guru Vakri 2024 | Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus 2024: Get Ready To Meet Your Ex, Even If You Don't Want To...

ex is coming back

Ah, the exes… the people who can turn a perfectly peaceful afternoon into a chaotic whirlwind of memories, emotions, and maybe even a few choice curse words.

Guess what? They are about to visit you soon...

Jupiter turned retrograde on the 9th October, 2024 and it will go direct on 5th February 2025. 

Retrograde planets tell us to reflect back on our thinking, actions and overall life related to areas of that particular planet during this whole period. 

This time it's Jupiter and the sign is Taurus which is ruled by none other than Venus.

Venus, is all about love, stability, and comfort—basically, your go-to when you want something solid and dependable. 

But during a Jupiter retrograde, even steady Taurus isn’t immune to emotional upheavals. 

So thanks to this Jupiter retrograde, that door you slammed shut might just be creaking open again. 

Whether you’re a romantic beyond hope, or someone craving closure, or a person who just loves some spicy drama... brace yourself— because things are about to get deliciously complicated.

Let’s see how each Moon sign handles this retrograde, and more importantly, how each sign might find themselves reconnecting with an ex. 

Some of you will play it cool, while others… let’s just say fireworks are coming...

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Is Life Coaching Your True Cosmic Calling? Take This Quiz Before You Make The Decision

Want To Become A Life Coach? See How Astrology Can Help You Transition Into It Using An Easy Quiz

life coaching courses online

Before you find life coaching courses and get certified as a life coach, read this post.

I'm getting a lot of career related questions these days. And many people are asking about whether their chart is favourable to find success as a life coach. So I thought of making a detailed post on it.

First of all, let me congratulate you for choosing such a noble profession. Because in today's difficult times, where everybody is becoming self-absorb and super-selfish, you've decided to help others as your full time work. That's commendable. So... kudos to you.

In this post, I've given an easy quiz that will help you reflect on your decision to become a life coach, see how astrology helps you embrace this profession to the fullest as per your personal astrological sign.

Let's jump right in...

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Symbolism Behind Lord Ganesha's Iconography And How It Affects Our Life

Symbolism Behind Lord Ganesha's Iconography

Lord Ganesha, is not just a beloved figure in Hinduism but also a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, and divine insight. 

His distinctive iconography, with each aspect of his form carrying profound spiritual meaning, invites us to delve deeper into the hidden messages and spiritual teachings encoded in his physical representation.

Let's explore it...

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Astrological Compatibility For Live-In Relationships | Is This Relationship Right For You? Check Out

 Live-In- Relationships Astrology Indications: 9 Red Flags To Watch For Before Getting Into OR Out of Relationship

Live-In Relationships  Astrology Compatibility

"Is this relationship right for me?", is the 3rd most popular question I get nowadays after marriage and job questions. 

I've decided to answer common questions in this post as usual. 

Let's take an example of a recent client, Lina, she wanted to move in with her boyfriend but was not sure as he shown some signs of aggression. So she asked me to do a compatibility analysis for them.

Let's have a look what I found and what you can learn from this.

I explain these 3 things in this post:

  1. Live in Relationships Astrology Indications
  2. 9 Red Flags to Watch For in Live In Relationships
  3. A case study of live-relationship

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

What To Do If Your VISA Gets Rejected? Astrology Guidance For VISA Approval

Reasons Why Your VISA Gets Rejected And How To Get It Approved 

why my VISA gets rejected

If your VISA is getting rejected repeatedly despite of having all the necessary documents and eligibility, then this post will tell you how to get your VISA approved.  

Everyday I get emails from young professionals and their parents asking about studying abroad and foreign settlements. I've been telling people one simple trick to get your VISA approved and that is applying for the VISA when your birth chart permits.

It's not that hard to follow what planets are telling us. You just have to listen carefully. Let me explain with an example. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

How To Sell House Quickly | Real Estate Astrology | Buying And Selling Homes

how to sell house quickly

If you want to sell your house or buy a new house, this post will give you valuable insights. You might won't realise how deep planetary cycles, transits, retrogression and dasha periods influence us. 

It's interesting to see how events turn out so precisely as predicted. Let's have a look.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Stock Market Astrology And Lunar and Solar Eclipses | Financial Astrology For Investors And Traders

The Role of Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Stock Market Fluctuations 

eclipse and stock market astrology

As per financial astrology, Lunar and Solar eclipses are one of the most important events for all kinds of markets. But many of you ask specifically about their correlation to stock market price movements, so let's have a quick look how these eclipses affect them.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Guru Vakri 2023 | JJupiter Retrograde in Aries 4th September 2023 | Effects on 12 Signs | Vedic Astrology Forecast

Jupiter Retrograde 2023 Effects

Jupiter is getting into Retrograde in this 4th September 2023 in the sign of Aries and it will go direct in December 2023. 

Here Are Some General Effects Of Jupiter Retrograde:

Inner Growth and Reflection: Jupiter is often associated with expansion, growth, and opportunity. When it goes retrograde, it's a time to turn inward and reflect on your personal beliefs, values, and philosophies. You may question your life's purpose or seek a deeper understanding of your spiritual path.

Revaluating your core beliefs: This retrograde period can prompt you to question long-held beliefs and opinions. It's a time when you might revisit your religious or philosophical views and consider whether they still resonate with your evolving self. 

Financial matters and savings: Jupiter is also associated with abundance and wealth. During its retrograde, you might find yourself revaluating your financial goals and spending habits. It's a time to review investments and consider whether you're on the right path to achieving your financial aspirations.

Delay in opportunities related to education and childbirth: Some opportunities may be delayed or not manifest as quickly as you'd like during Jupiter retrograde. This can be frustrating, but it's an opportunity to refine your plans and ensure they align with your true desires.

Let's see how this Jupiter retrograde is going to affect all of us for almost 4 months as per mundane astrology, and have a look at the effects on your sign too.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Why You Don't Get Results of The Raj Yoga in Your Birth Chart?

vedic astrology raj yogas

Many of you were asking this question that despite of having multiple raj yogas in the birth chart why don't you see any positive events manifested in your life yet. 

So in this post, let's explore that... 

In simple words, you don't see results because of the divisional charts. If you don't know what are divisional charts aka varga  kundali, then read this post first and then come back.

Let's jump right in...