Numerology Life Path Number Calculator : Find Your Life Path Number And Personality Type Simple Way

Numerology Life Path Number Calculator 

numerology life path number calculator

Here are some basic details of the terms used in Numerology. 

What is Numerology Day Number  :

Day number means a single digit number of a Day from Date.
For ex. Today is 23 rd May, 2014. ( 23/05/2014). So today's Day Number is 2+3 = 5. Tomorrow's Day Number will be 2 4 = 2+4 = 6, and so on.

What is Numerology Life Path Number Calculator :

Numerology Life Path Number or Destiny Number means a total sum of all digits in one's date of birth.

For ex.
If a person is born today, his date of birth is : 23/05/2014

His Life path or destiny number is : 2+3+0+5+2+0+1+4= 26

Single digit life path or destiny number is : 2 + 6 = 8.

Numerology Life Path Numbers And Astrological Planets Assigned To Them :

  • Sun (Ravi) : Number 1 : [Sunday]
  • Moon (Chandra) : Number 2 :  [Monday]
  • Mars (Mangal) : Number 9 : [Tuesday]
  • Mercury (Budha) : Number 5 : [Wednesday]
  • Jupiter (Guru) : Number 3 : [Thursday]
  • Venus (Shukra) : Number 6 : [Friday]
  • Saturn (Shani) : Number 8 : [Saturday]
  • Rahu : Number 4
  • Ketu : Number 7


Numerology Life Path Numbers And Zodiac Signs Periods :

  1. Aries (Mesha) :  Mar 21 - Apr 19
  2. Taurus (Vrushabha) :  Apr 20 - May 20
  3. Gemini (Mithuna) :  May 21 - Jun 20
  4. Cancer (Karka) :  Jun 21 - Jul 22
  5. Leo (Simha) :  Jul 23 - Aug 22
  6. Virgo (Kanya) :  Aug 23 - Sept 22
  7. Libra (Tula) :  Sept 23 - Oct 22
  8. Scorpio (Vrushchika) :  Oct 23 - Nov 21
  9. Sagittarius (Dhanu) :  Nov 22 - Dec 21
  10. Capricorn (Makara) :  Dec 22 - Jan 19
  11. Aquarius (Kumbha) :  Jan 20 - Feb 18
  12. Pisces (Meena) :  Feb 19 - Mar 20

Numerology Life Path Numbers And The Personality Types :

  • Number 1 : If you are born on day of 1, 10, 19,28 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 1. You are a Number 1 person.

  • Number 2 : If you are born on day of 2, 11, 20,29 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 2. You are a Number 2 person.

  • Number 3 : If you are born on day of 3, 12, 21,30 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 3. You are a Number 3 person.

  • Number 4 : If you are born on day of 4, 13, 22,31 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 4. You are a Number 4 person.

  • Number 5 : If you are born on day of 5, 14, 23 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 5. You are a Number 5 person.

  • Number 6 : If you are born on day of 6, 15, 24 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 6. You are a Number 6 person.

  • Number 7 : If you are born on day of 7, 16, 25 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 7. You are a Number 7 person.

  • Number 8 : If you are born on day of 8, 17, 26 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 8. You are a Number 8 person.

  • Number 9 : If you are born on day of 9, 18, 27 of any month AND/OR if your life path is 9. You are a Number 9 person.

From the above list, it is believed that, a person MUST NOT have his name on 4, and 8 number. Non-living things such as business name, brand name, company, name, book, movie, song, etc can have these numbers. But not living beings.

Let's see some case studies and updates according to numerology in further posts.




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