What To Do If Your VISA Gets Rejected? Astrology Guidance For VISA Approval

Reasons Why Your VISA Gets Rejected And How To Get It Approved 

why my VISA gets rejected

If your VISA is getting rejected repeatedly despite of having all the necessary documents and eligibility, then this post will tell you how to get your VISA approved.  

Everyday I get emails from young professionals and their parents asking about studying abroad and foreign settlements. I've been telling people one simple trick to get your VISA approved and that is applying for the VISA when your birth chart permits.

It's not that hard to follow what planets are telling us. You just have to listen carefully. Let me explain with an example. 

Astrological Reasons Why Your VISA Gets Rejected

Before you apply for a VISA, always have a look at these things:

9th house in your birth chart which represents foreign travel, 4th house which represents your homeland and 12th house represents foreign land. 

The planets sitting in these 3 houses, their lords, their aspects, your current dasha period and most importantly the planetary transits will decide if your VISA will get rejected or approved.

I also study D9 (Navamsa) chart and D4 chart in some cases. 

In one of my recent cases, a client let's call him, Justin, got his VISA rejected. 

His birth chart revealed that malefic planet Saturn had a significant influence on his 12th house, which is closely associated with foreign travel and immigration as I mentioned above. Saturn, known for its restrictive nature, was particularly casting its shadow on his dreams of going abroad.

He was going through a Jupiter Mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha which made Saturn's energy double strong. Saturn's energy tends to manifest as delays, obstacles, and limitations, which were reflected in his Visa applications getting rejected.

This doesn't mean all the people whose gets rejected suffer from Saturn alone. Sometimes strong 4th house can also suggest VISA rejections because 4th house is your homeland and if you have strong moon there or the lord of the 4th house is exalted, it's harder for you to leave your homeland. Because the homey energy keeps you stuck at homeland and that's why your VISA gets rejected.

So what are the solutions?

In Justin's case I advised him some remedies to pacify the malefic influence of Saturn and gave him favourable time periods as per his chart to apply for VISA. He followed everything and got his VISA approved.

You also have to re-apply for new VISA in the favourable time period as per your birth chart. You have to see which planets are retrograde in the sky, are there any retrograde planets in your chart and which planets are transiting over your 4th, 9th and 12th houses at the time of VISA procedure.

Lunar phases also play important roles. Always apply for a VISA when Moon is weak, because again, Moon represents Mother energy. When it's weak, your chance to go away from your motherland increases. 

When you follow the advice and remedies the Visa rejections gradually transform into approvals.

Justin's story proves the power of Vedic astrology in understanding and mitigating the cosmic challenges that life throw our way. Don't you think?

While the sceptics may dismiss astrology as mere superstition, for those who experience its transformative effects almost everyday, it remains a trusted guide through life's unpredictable journey. 

I'm happy for all my clients like Justin, for whom the wisdom of Vedic astrology ultimately opened the gates to his dreams, allowing him to step onto foreign shores and explore a world of endless possibilities.

If you also want to go abroad, get a personalised consultation today. For more details, contact here.




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