How to Find Lost or Missing Person or The One Who Left Home And Never Came Back?

How to Get Lost or Missing Person Back

Let's get right to the point for this post as this is an emergency situation.

First of all, go directly to this post, and start chanting the mantra that I have given there. Chant it daily as many times as you can.

And if the situation is serious or you are very much desperate, can't focus on chanting mantras or have lost all hopes, then this post will be life saver for you.

How to Get Lost or Missing Person Back

According to Vastu Shastra, if your house has a vastudosha (defect in the house) in the directions of SE and NW, then it's a CLEAR-CUT indication that a person in the house (preferably male) is going to leave the house or getting lost somewhere.

SE means, South East(Aagneya) is the direction of the Fire element(Agni Tattva) and NW means, North West(Vayavya) direction of the Air Element (Vayu Tattva). When there is any Water tank, Bathroom, Toilet, or anything related to water(Jala Tattva) comes in the SE/NW area of your house, it disturbs the whole energy flow.

If your house has an entrance from SE direction and water in NW direction at the same time OR vice-versa, then it indicates a missing person case.

This type of Vastu defect creates feelings of isolation, unwillingness and loneliness.  

A person feels left-out from everything, he/she thinks nobody cares about him/her, nobody acknowledge their existence or feels desperate need to RUN from the situation and from the people around.

This same vastudosha along with other important vastudoshas are responsible for other major problems such as Delayed marriage, Divorce, Cheating, Joblessness, Childlessness, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, etc. 

I have seen this so many times that whenever people email me for asking remedies for their missing family member or friend or relative, this particular vastudosha is present there in MOST of the cases along with other minor doshas.

Vastu Remedies To Find A Missing Person 

Along with some Mantra chanting, I give advanced level remedies to rectify these vasudoshas. There is one mantra which is a powerful remedy that everybody can start chanting in emergency, I already have given that here.

But for serious cases like this I have to dive deep. Because every house is different, so I will have to check that exactly WHERE is the root cause, WHY it created the defect in the house, HOW old the defect is, and WHICH remedy to use to rectify it, etc.

So try this above given mantra first and if it didn't help OR you can't chant that mantra then email me for advanced paid remedies. 

If you also have lost any family member, friend or relative and want to find them and bring them back. Please get in touch with us.




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