Numerology Name Calculator : Check Your Numerology Name Number And Activate LUCK

Numerology Name Calculator
Numerology Name Calculator: Check Your Numerology Name Number And Activate LUCK

These numerology name calculator numbers are based on Vedic Numerology and Chaldean Numerology system.

  • A I J Q Y : 1
  • B K R : 2
  • C G L S : 3
  • D M T: 4
  • E H N X : 5
  • U V W : 6
  • O Z : 7
  • F P : 8

There is no alphabet assign to number 9 because it's highly spiritual number. 

How to Use This Numerology Name Calculator?

Let's say, your name is JOHN SMITH and you want to calculate your name number.

Here's the process to calculate your name number: 

J  O  H  N     S  M  I  T  H 
1  7    5   5     3   4   1  4   5

Total becomes:  

1 + 7 + 5 + 5 = 18 for JOHN

3 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 17 for SMITH 

So  18 + 17 = 35 for JOHN SMITH

So according to this amazing Numerology Name Calculator, now your Name Number is 35. 

Like this, you can find any person's or business's numerology name number. 

Name Numerology Number Meanings From 1 to 25

Name Numerology Number 1  

Nobody has a name on such a small number. 

However, if you are using only initials (A I J Q Y) as your first name, then number 1 represents SUN and so it gives Leadership and Power.

Name Numerology Number 2  

Name number 2 is dominated by the Moon. It gives great imagination. However, it also represents mental health problems.

Name Numerology Number 3  

Those with name number 3 are greatly interested in spiritual life. If you have this name number, you become a religious person. You have a sharp intelligence. You are good in academics. 

Example Names: Jay

Name Numerology Number 4  

Name number 4 causes unnecessary waste of resources and wealth. It denotes Rahu and Uranus.

You earn enmity wherever you go. You need to be cautious when you speak. Otherwise you will earn unnecessary ill repute.

Example Names: Raj, Ajay 

Name Numerology Number 5  

This number is constructive and creative. Ruled by Mercury. It causes great fame and name. It endows the subject with a life of pleasure and comforts. 

They have great interest in business. They are good at communication skills.

Example Names: Raja

Name Numerology Number 6  

They are persons who like peace and happiness. Their life is one of comforts. 

They derive a number of benefits from friends. They are talented in arts 

Example Names: Abir, Rajay

Name Numerology Number 7  

Name number 7 has very strong powers. ruled by Neptune and Ketu. It brings the grace of the divine. They are mysterious. You can't tell what's going on in their mind.

Example Names: Ram

Name Numerology Number 8  

Name Number 8 persons tend to give up family life and become the renounced.

Only after great struggle they succeed. Accidents and dangers are indicated. There are blockades in all their endeavours. This number is the most suitable for sages or social workers.

Example Names: Amar

Name Numerology Number 9  

Name number 9 persons are men of action. Ruled by Mars. They have the powers to overcome all opposition. 

They take up frequent tours abroad and within the country. They have a great stamina. Good number for music related fields and sports.

Example Names: Mark, Brad, Larry

Name Numerology Number 10  

Self-confidence is the mark of this number. They live a happy life. Since the number is popular as divinely accepted, they have to remain honest in life. Those who have their name number 10 are dignified and famous.

Example Names: Yash, Amit, Anil, Asha

Name Numerology Number 11  

It's a Master number. 2 sun numbers are forming a moon number. They are special. Their mind keeps wandering and make them confused. They take up many a jobs or businesses. 
They are disappointed with friends and relatives. They are betrayed by them. They have to be careful in matters involving money. 

Example Names: Samir, Karan

Name Numerology Number 12  

Good number for writers. Their skill in speech makes one wonderstruck. They always work for the welfare of others. 

Example Names: Rishi, Ajinkya

Name Numerology Number 13  

Attracted by women, those with name number 13 come to have bad relationships leading to bad reputation and shame. 

A few of number 13 persons do live a life of dignity and yet experience confusion within and endless difficulties in life. So this number does not have any luck whatsoever.

Example Names: Ranbir, Divij, Akshay

Name Numerology Number 14  

This number gives popularity and mass appeal. People listen to their words. They are always surrounded by people wherever they go. 

They are always on the wheels. All business begins from them. They achieve great fame in politics and arts. They struggle hard while young and achieve great success and prosperity as they advance in age. 

They have to be careful with love affairs. Those who have the right name do not fall a victim to such dangers. Many are waiting to help them. They live a very lucky life. They become persons who are appreciated by many.

Example Names: Kajol, Virat, James, Kedar

Name Numerology Number 15  

They are very strong and confident. A warrior like bravery.

They become successful one way or the other. They have a certain power of attraction on their face and they are adept in speaking. Therefore they can achieve success in anything. They live a noble life. They make great success in any trade or business they undertake. 

There is always a great mass of people who are ruled by their words. Their life is full of sensuous pleasures. They enjoy all the comforts and pleasures that life can give. 

There is a special attraction about their gait, dress and speech. They take up various business and trade and make a lot of money. The 15 name number persons shall not indulge in evil acts or illegitimate love; they shall not lodge evil thoughts in their minds. When they avoid these, they achieve auspicious luck in many ways. They get huge wealth.

This number is the place of origin of arts. They become popular in their business and profession. They have a bright and attractive face. They enjoy popularity because of their attractive face. They have the blessings of making money with their skill in speaking and writing.

Whatever is the profession, they excel in it. They need a lot of sensuous gratification. They enjoy sex in its various forms of pleasure. They are passionate.

Example Names: Bajirao, Rekha, Chirag

Name Numerology Number 16  

A great number for politicians, thespians, diplomats, negotiators, psychics, astrologers, and journalists. 

There is a certain divinity about the number. They experience different from the ordinary thoughts always running through their minds.

They may lodge evil thoughts. Their imagination is deviant. Be careful.

Example Names: Sharad, Vikram, Radhika

Name Numerology Number 17  

Success comes after struggle. They are tireless workers. They have the strength of will to bear with all trials and tribulations in life. 

They have strength enough to defeat the defiant. They are strong persons. The later part of life brings them undiminished fame. They amass a huge wealth of land, gold and money. They achieve great success. 

They have a special place of honour in the heart of people. They get high positions and great appreciation. 

Example Names: Dilip, Martin, Rajesh

Name Numerology Number 18  

A number of a War. 

Since there is an association of Sun and Saturn in the name number it indicates negative forces. It brings a string of suffering and failures. 

It brings needless enmity everywhere one goes. They keep arguing and fighting with almost everyone they meet.

Many of this name number are accused of many crimes or failing or mistake. They are driven to other countries. Their aims and ideals are of no use to anyone.

Example Names: Manoj, Amitabh, Sumit

Name Numerology Number 19  

A good number for a devotional lover (not necessarily loyal).

This number indicates successful completion of any endeavour. This number begins with the first number 1 and ends with the last number 9 and therefore those with this name number achieve prosperity. 

As they advance in age, they become persons of great fame and name. All kinds of wealth like money, frame, position and success keep on accumulating. They have a good life partner. 

They are physically strong. Even in advanced age, they look very young. This is an apex number and indicates continuing greatness. They are persons of great wealth.

They have to remain honest in their way of living. They become greatly lucky when they do not cause any harm to others. They achieve a very great name and frame. They are as bright in their fame us the son of the sun.

Even while old, they retain a youthful face and physique. They shine well in political life. They beget a good life partner. They occupy many good offices. They have a great number of good friends. They are spiritual in their thoughts. They live a disciplined life.

Example Names: Gaurav, Shahid, Rohit

Name Numerology Number 20  

Those with 20 name number are very calm and peaceful. They love peace. They are sympathetic enough to help the poor and the needy. They live independently. They can revolutionize life. They awaken the sleeping society. 
When they become selfish, they turn to destroy the family, the society and the country. This number indicates esoteric powers. Venomous creatures do no harm to them.
They are successful in medication. They have to control their anger. When they become selfish, they end up in failure. They benefit the whole society with a selfless attitude. They want to dispel the distress of others. They assume the position of lieutenants.

Example Names: Sameer, Elon, Charlie 

Name Numerology Number 21  

They achieve anything with the help of their will power. The early part of life is a little troublesome and difficult. The later part of life is full of luck. They get good positions. 

They achieve fame, position and wealth. They enjoy a permanent job. They are not afraid of sufferings. They live a prosperous life.

Example Names: Madhav, Riteish 

Name Numerology Number 22  

This is the number of the headquarters of all evil forces. It attracts more of the evil than the good. It leads the thoughts through the evil path. 

The mind is lost in gambling, betting on horses, drinking, and connections with women of ill repute. They are successful in litigations. 

They lose all wealth because of their bad habits. They earn and lose money in evils deeds. They conceal their defeats and live on. They are shrewd and successful. 

They do not lose heart at the difficulties in life. They live in extravaganza. It is good for them to avoid it.

Example Names: Mohan, Keshav

Name Numerology Number 23  

This number enables the completion of any assignment conceived. It is the veritable doorway to luck. All their plans conceived with a noble ideal definitely succeed. 

They complete what is impossible to others. They are those who make history. 

They have great success in arts. They have a royal status. They enjoy the friendship of the noble and the great. They succeed in anything with their tenacity. With the completion of any mission, the number also adds a certain royal grandeur to the subject. It is one of the luckiest numbers.

They are appreciated by one and all. Their life is comfortable and peaceful. 

Example Names: Jitendra, Madhuri, Mahesh

Name Numerology Number 24  

Those with 24 as the number occupy high positions in government service. They always enjoy the support of the public. They become popular in a very short time. 

They get their life partner from a higher status than themselves. The men with this name number get a beautiful, virtuous, rich, dignified and famous wife. 

They live a life of duty and dignity. Though they begin their career with a job in the lower cadre, they occupy high positions soon. They become leaders. 

They have a great liking for dress and jewellery. They make revolutions in politics. They are full of patriotism. They are interested in social work.

They have the ability to guess anything correctly. They have the fortune of possessing large wealth.

Example Names: Abhishek, Paresh, Donald

Name Numerology Number 25  

A great number for business person and politician.

This number indicates great struggle both in family life and professional career. Success is to be attained only after considerable struggle. They can make an achievement of a challenge. They enjoy the grace of god. 

They have greater faith in god than in the powers of the human. They have a mature wisdom. They are full of practical knowledge. 

There is certain dynamism about their speech. They can foresee anything. They live a disciplined life and are quite particular about their disciplines. 

They earn international fame and reputation. There is not much of pleasure in personal life. Their fame is lasting.

Example Names: Mukesh, Woody

Here's the 2nd part of this post:  Name Numerology Number Meanings From 25 Onward

If you are interested in getting your own name or business name analysed, contact here: I Want Numerology Name 




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