How To Find Your Missing Cat, Dog or Any Other Pet? Horary Astrology Helps. See The Results

How To Find Missing Pets? Let's See How Horary Astrology aka Prashna Kundali Helps Us Locate Your Lost Pet

how to find missing pets fast

Last week, I received email from a young woman named, Varsha, who had lost her cherished pet cat, and despite days of searching, her feline friend remained elusive. Feeling desperate and anxious, she approached me. 

I immediately created the Prashna Kundali chart for the question.

And here is what I found...

The Horary Chart aka Prashna Kundali Analysis:

The Prashna Kundali revealed several important insights. The 4th house represents domestic pets in your house such as dogs and cats, whereas the 6th house represents your yard animals such as cows, horses, bulls, etc.

The 4th lord Jupiter was in Ascendant which confirmed that the question about domestic pet is right. Moon was in the 9th house and was about to go into the 10th house next, which means the pet will surely get found.

However, the real revelation came when I noticed the position of the Mercury. It was Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, was in conjunction with the Moon which was the lord of 3rd house, which represents short-distance travel and movement. 

Mars was sitting there who represents heavy machinery work and transportation in this case being in the 3rd house.  

So after studying the chart carefully, I gave the prediction to Varsha, that "Your cat is on a heavy vehicle, likely a truck, and it's currently on a highway within your town. When Moon will enter into the sign of Capricorn which is a movable sign, you will find your cat." 

Miraculously, searching along the highways for some time, she spotted her beloved cat near her office roaming near the highway around a Lorry. It was an emotional reunion, and the cat seemed unharmed, as though it had embarked on a mini-adventure of its own.

Isn't it fascinating? I love how Prashna Kundali helps us in locating missing pets and brining joy to people.

Let me tell you another similar incident. 

One of my clients, Atul, approached me one day. His beloved dog had gone missing, leaving him deeply distressed. After tirelessly searching and calling out for his furry friend, he asked me to look into the chart.

He was worried and very concerned because the puppy of the his dog was alone at home. 

I saw the chart, and as usual the Prashna Kundali uncovered a noteworthy configuration. The Moon, symbolizing Atul's lost dog, was situated in the 4th house, as I mentioned above it is the house of domestic pets. And Saturn was in 3d house in the sign of Pieces. This suggested that the dog was nearby. 

Saturn represents old people too and because Pisces is feminine sign, I predicted that "Your dog is likely within your neighbourhood, possibly in a nearby society. Especially ask to old maids and servants in the society because of Saturn's influence."

With hope in his heart, Atul started searching each and every housing society around his house and as I advised he approached the old lady servants. 

In a moment that felt almost magical, the watchman confirmed that they had indeed found Atul's missing dog in the society's premises. The dog, while a little disoriented, was with the old lady sweeper of the society. 

These two stories I shared with you here and thousands of such stories that I experience everyday in my life highlights the incredible potential of astrology to offer comfort and solutions in times of distress. What do you think?

If you know someone who has lost their pet, do let them know about this. For the consultation, contact here. 




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