Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Guru Vakri 2024 | Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus 2024: Get Ready To Meet Your Ex, Even If You Don't Want To...

ex is coming back

Ah, the exes… the people who can turn a perfectly peaceful afternoon into a chaotic whirlwind of memories, emotions, and maybe even a few choice curse words.

Guess what? They are about to visit you soon...

Jupiter turned retrograde on the 9th October, 2024 and it will go direct on 5th February 2025. 

Retrograde planets tell us to reflect back on our thinking, actions and overall life related to areas of that particular planet during this whole period. 

This time it's Jupiter and the sign is Taurus which is ruled by none other than Venus.

Venus, is all about love, stability, and comfort—basically, your go-to when you want something solid and dependable. 

But during a Jupiter retrograde, even steady Taurus isn’t immune to emotional upheavals. 

So thanks to this Jupiter retrograde, that door you slammed shut might just be creaking open again. 

Whether you’re a romantic beyond hope, or someone craving closure, or a person who just loves some spicy drama... brace yourself— because things are about to get deliciously complicated.

Let’s see how each Moon sign handles this retrograde, and more importantly, how each sign might find themselves reconnecting with an ex. 

Some of you will play it cool, while others… let’s just say fireworks are coming...

Aries Moon Sign: The Bold and Brash

You’re fiery, spontaneous, and known to act before you think. Your hurriedness, impatience and aggressiveness already make you look like villain sometimes. In this Jupiter retrograde, expect a sudden wave of nostalgia about an ex who was equally fiery—or maybe just as crazy as you. 

You might be itching to reach out, but you know how it goes… 5 minutes in, and you’re already fighting like it’s the apocalypse.

So avoid calling them at 2 a.m. after a few drinks! If you want to reconnect, keep it cool. Remember, not every argument needs a winner.

Taurus Moon Sign: The Stubborn Lover

You don’t let go easily, do you? This retrograde is happening in your sign, which means you’ll be doing some deep soul-searching. 

That ex you still secretly stalk on social media? Yeah, expect them to pop up in your thoughts—if not your DMs. You’ll be tempted to reach out for closure, but let’s be real—you might just want a second chance.

Your ex probably still thinks about your stubborn refusal to admit you were wrong. And let’s not forget how you hate change, so you’ll want them back just to feel that comfort again.

If you’re reconnecting, don’t force your way or bulldoze through emotions. Ease into it. Not everything needs to go back to the way it was. It takes time.

Gemini Moon Sign: The Flirtatious and Fickle

You’re playful and charming, but when it comes to exes, your curiosity can get the best of you. 

You’ll remember the fun times, the flirtations, and the whirlwind romance—but conveniently forget why it ended. During this retrograde, expect an ex to reach out “just to talk,” and you’ll be all over it because, hey, you love the drama.

Remember that time you ghosted them and then came back like nothing happened? Don’t be surprised if they try to do the same to you. Karma’s real, and it’s coming!

Avoid playing mind games. If you’re going to reconnect, be honest about your intentions instead of dancing around the truth.

Cancer Moon Sign: The Sensitive Soul

You’re the emotional one, and Jupiter retrograde will stir up all kinds of feelings. 

You’ll be hit with memories of cozy nights with your ex, where you both shared dreams and promises. And suddenly, you’ll feel that overwhelming urge to check if they still care. Spoiler alert: They probably do because no one nurtures like Cancer people.

Your ex still remembers how you clung to them emotionally, for better or worse. Expect them to pop up just when you’re getting comfortable without them.

Resist the urge to dive headfirst into those deep waters. Take your time. Not every ex deserves a second chance.

Leo Moon Sign: The Dramatic Ex

You’re the one who made a grand exit when things went south. And now, during this retrograde, you’ll find yourself reminiscing about the passion and drama you had with an old flame. 

The spotlight’s on you, as always, and you’ll wonder whether it’s time for a comeback performance. But remember, your pride may have been the problem before—don’t let it be again.

Your ex remembers exactly how you made everything about you. Expect fireworks if you try to rekindle that old flame, especially if they aren’t over your larger-than-life personality.

Tone down the drama. If you want to reconnect, leave the theatrics behind and focus on healing.

Virgo Moon Sign: The Perfectionist

Your brain is like a spreadsheet of relationship pros and cons, and during this retrograde, you’ll be hyper-analyzing every little detail of your past relationships. 

Expect an old flame to resurface, but your inner critic will likely get in the way of any smooth reconnection. You’ll want everything to be perfect, which might make it harder to reconcile.

Your ex will remember how you always wanted things just right, but it may have driven them crazy. Watch out for their passive-aggressive texts about how you “overplanned” everything.

Chill out! Not everything needs to be planned to the last detail. If you want to reconnect, learn to go with the flow.

Libra Moon Sign: The Romantic Idealist

Relationships are your jam. You live for love, balance, and harmony. 

So during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, you’ll be dreaming of that ex who you thought was the one. You’ll be tempted to reach out, hoping for a rekindling of romance, but beware of your rose-colored glasses—they can distort reality.

Your ex probably remembers you as the one who couldn’t decide anything. And guess what? You’ll still be debating whether or not to text them. Spoiler: They’ll be waiting for you to make the first move.

Don’t just chase the idea of love. Reconnect only if it’s real, and avoid falling into unhealthy patterns.

Scorpio Moon Sign: The Intense and Mysterious Ex

You’re the type of ex that no one forgets. 

Your intensity in relationships leaves lasting impressions, and during this retrograde, you might feel the pull of unresolved emotional bonds. 

You’ll be tempted to dig deep into the past and unearth secrets you thought were buried. But be careful—once you open that door, things can get very real, very fast.

You know your ex is still obsessed with you, but they also remember your jealousy. Expect a steamy reunion—just make sure it doesn’t turn into a power struggle.

Don’t play mind games. If you want to reconnect, be honest about your feelings without manipulating the situation.

Sagittarius Moon Sign: The Freedom Lover

You’re adventurous, carefree, and always looking for the next big thing. But during this retrograde, you might find yourself thinking about an ex who gave you a sense of freedom yet also grounded you in unexpected ways. You’ll be curious to explore whether there’s still something there.

Your ex remembers how you were always looking for “space.” Now you might find yourself wanting what you once ran away from.

If you reconnect, make sure you’re not just in it for the thrill. Commit to working through issues if you want to make it last.

Capricorn Moon Sign: The Serious Ex

You’re all about stability and responsibility, and during this retrograde, you’ll be reflecting on how much you invested in past relationships. 

That ex you worked so hard to build a future with? You’ll be tempted to reach out and see if the spark is still there—but only if it makes sense, of course.

Your ex remembers you as the one who was always too focused on work. If they reach out, they might be wondering if you’ve learned to balance love and ambition.

Don’t let your ambition get in the way of emotional connection. If you reconnect, prioritize the relationship.

Aquarius Moon Sign: The Unconventional Ex

You’re all about independence and quirkiness, and during this retrograde, you’ll be thinking about that ex who was as unusual as you. 

You’ll want to reconnect, but only if the relationship allowed you both to be free spirits. Otherwise, you’re not interested in rehashing old routines.

Your ex remembers your aloofness—and they’ll test whether you’ve learned to express your emotions better.

Don’t run away from feelings. If you reconnect, make sure it’s emotionally fulfilling, not just intellectually stimulating.

Pisces Moon Sign: The Dreamy Ex

You’re all about emotions, fantasies, and romance, and during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, you’ll be swimming in memories of an ex who swept you off your feet. 

You’ll feel nostalgic and might reach out, hoping to relive the magic. But beware of falling back into old delusions.

Your ex remembers your dreamy nature but also your tendency to avoid reality. If they reach out, they might want to test whether you’ve grown more grounded.

Don’t get lost in the fantasy. If you reconnect, make sure the relationship is built on real, solid ground.

Guru Vakri 2024 | Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus 2024: Warning Signs And Advice

Unexpected Returns: Exes aren’t just coming back for closure. You might also experience karmic lessons related to love and money.

Slower Progress: Everything feels like it’s in slow motion during this retrograde. Don’t rush decisions—take time to reflect.

Tangible Results: Taurus demands practical outcomes. If you’re reconnecting with an ex, make sure your actions lead to tangible progress and not just emotional rollercoasters.

Be Patient: Taurus doesn’t rush, and neither should you. Let things unfold naturally.

Set Boundaries: Reconnecting with an ex can be intense, but don’t forget to protect your emotional space.

Focus on Closure: If you need closure, now’s the time to get it. Just make sure it’s truly the end or a fresh beginning—no middle ground.

So, there you have it. 

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus is stirring the pot, and exes are definitely on the menu. Whether you’re planning to reach out or waiting for a message to pop up, remember: sometimes, the past is meant to stay there. 

Those who want to explore personal situations on deeper level and need detailed advice, contact me.

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