Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sharad Purnima 2024 | Kojagiri | Goddess Lakshmi Puja on Full Moon Night For Prosperity, Wealth And Fortune

Sharad Purnima 2024 aka Kojagiri : The Night When Goddess Lakshmi Comes on Earth

sharad purnima 2024

Sharad Purnima (also known as Kojagiri Purnima or Ashwin Purnima) holds a special place in my heart. 

This full moon is unlike any other in the year—it is a time when the moon is closest to the earth and showers its divine light, filling the atmosphere with healing energy. 

It’s a night of mystical importance, not just from a spiritual or astrological perspective but also in the way people celebrate it with rituals, fasting, and food.

Let’s dive deep into why Sharad Purnima is so powerful according to Vedic astrology, the legend behind this beautiful full moon, and how you can make the most of its divine blessings.

The Astrological Significance of Sharad Purnima

Sharad Purnima falls during the Ashwin month of the Hindu calendar, when the moon is in its fullest glory in the sign of Aries or Pisces (depending on the nakshatras). 

The moon is not only bright but also said to be most radiant and potent on this night. The moon represents the mind and emotions, and its connection with this full moon leads to a deep sense of mental clarity, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.

During Sharad Purnima, the moon is in direct alignment to transmit pure and powerful lunar energies, which can help balance our mind, heal emotional wounds, and promote mental peace. 

It’s believed that the vibrations of the full moon on Sharad Purnima help manifest your deepest desires and invoke divine grace. 

Lets see how...

The Famous Legend Behind Kojagiri Purnima

You might wonder why this night is called "Kojagiri" Purnima. 

According to a popular legend, the goddess Lakshmi roams the Earth on this night, asking the question: “Ko Jagarti?” which means “Who is awake?”

It is said that those who are awake and worshipping the goddess at night receive her blessings of prosperity and abundance. 

This is why devotees stay awake through the night, offering prayers to Goddess Lakshmi and meditating under the moonlight.

Why Do We Celebrate Sharad Purnima?

Sharad Purnima is a celebration of abundance, health, and well-being. 

The full moon is associated with divine feminine energy, and on this night, the moonlight is believed to have healing properties. Devotees stay up all night, praying for prosperity, success, and peace of mind.

Families often gather, sing devotional songs, and offer sweets and prayers. The practice of staying awake throughout the night is believed to bring immense spiritual benefits, especially for those seeking Lakshmi’s blessings.

What Food and Drinks to Enjoy on Sharad Purnima

On this auspicious night, many people prepare a special drink called Kheer, a sweet milk and rice pudding. The kheer is left under the moonlight, allowing it to absorb the lunar energy. 

According to tradition, consuming this moon-bathed kheer brings health, vitality, and mental peace.

Besides kheer, light snacks such as poha, fruits, and sweets are also enjoyed during the night, often shared with friends and family while basking in the moonlight. 

Drinking milk on this night is highly recommended, as it’s believed to enhance the moon’s cooling effect and bring a sense of calm and balance to the mind and body.

5 Things You Must Do on Sharad Purnima Night

Here are a few powerful rituals and practices to make the most of this auspicious full moon:

  1. Stay Awake and Meditate Under the Moonlight Staying awake on Sharad Purnima is said to bring divine blessings.

    Sit in a peaceful place, preferably outdoors, and meditate under the moonlight. Absorb the moon's healing rays and focus on balancing your emotions.

    This will help align your mind and spirit, bringing clarity and a deep sense of calm.

  2. Perform Lakshmi Puja Since Goddess Lakshmi is believed to wander the Earth on this night, performing a small puja or ritual in her honour can attract prosperity and abundance.

    Offer white colored flowers, sweets, and incense to her, and chant her mantras to invite her divine grace into your home.

  3. Prepare Kheer and Place It Under the Moon As I mentioned earlier, kheer is not just a sweet dish on this night—it is a way to absorb the lunar energy. After preparing your kheer, leave it in a bowl under the moonlight for a few hours.

    Once it’s absorbed the moon’s healing energy, share it with your family the next morning to promote health and wellness.

  4. Chant Moon and Lakshmi Mantras Chanting mantras on Sharad Purnima can amplify your spiritual energy. You can recite the following:

    • Moon Mantra: “Om Chandraya Namah” to strengthen your emotional and mental state.
    • Lakshmi Mantra: “Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namah” to attract wealth and abundance into your life.
  5. Practice Gratitude This is also a time to reflect on the blessings you have in life. Write down what you're grateful for and meditate on it. Gratitude can shift your mindset and open you up to receiving more abundance in the coming months.

Why These Rituals Are Important

Sharad Purnima is a night of powerful lunar energy that can heal and manifest your desires. 

The rituals, whether it's staying awake, performing puja, or consuming moon-bathed kheer, help attune your body and mind to this divine energy. 

The moon’s light is said to have a profound effect on the mind and soul, which is why meditating or praying under the full moon can lead to emotional clarity, balance, and prosperity.

Final Thoughts

Sharad Purnima, or Kojagiri Purnima, is an extraordinary time when the energies of the universe align to bring prosperity, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. 

Whether you’re praying for financial success, better health, or mental peace, this full moon night can work wonders if you open yourself up to its healing power. 

Take time to practice these simple yet powerful rituals and witness the positive transformations they can bring.

So, let’s make the most of this auspicious night—may the moonlight bring you clarity, peace, and abundant blessings. 

Who knows? Maybe Goddess Lakshmi herself is asking, “Ko Jagarti?” and waiting to bless you with her divine presence.

Happy Sharad Purnima!

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